ARASMAS: HR-Tech Innovation That Solves Productivity Pain-Points
In times of extreme flux and change, HR-tech innovation like HONO’s AI-backed ARASMAS (Auto Rostering & Shift Management System) can empower HR to make tangible transformations that impact productivity positively
If you’ve always thought of HR as a cost center, here’s one more reason to think again, one more way to empower your HR into making a tangible difference to your productivity, particularly if you are from the Manufacturing sector, or from any industry vertical defined by labor-intensive work-lines.
A chain is as strong as its proverbial weakest link. So, no matter how many production lines or work lines you have, no matter how large the teams and the workforce, your production and work output will always be impacted by the gaps created by absenteeism. And in its wake, the difficulties of shift management, roster management, and the looming threat of system entropy and loss in productivity presents a daunting challenge.
The Solution For Productivity Loss Due To Absenteeism
HONO has designed a solution, which allows HR to effectively deal with this productivity challenge. It’s called ARASMAS, short for Auto Rostering & Shift Management System.
This is a smart HR-tech suite that helps warn line managers and HR of any impending absenteeism within work lines well in advance. It also helps foresee serious gaps that could impede productivity.
The suite performs the important function of reallocating resources to critical work lines to ensure optimum productivity wherever priority positions or work lines are likely to be disrupted or affected by absenteeism.
The working of the system is essentially by combining timely confirmations gathered from employees before shifts, AI-based system processing of gaps, and available personnel with matching skills. The system, thus, auto replaces personnel ensuring the best efficiencies of work output
Here’s a closer look at ARASMAS, the Productivity Suite
Product Snapshot
Built in a modular fashion, this HR-Tech suite has specific components that solve a particular part of the problem-chain, but together address the absenteeism-management and productivity impact holistically.
Product Benefits
Here are a whole slew of product benefits of ARASMAS, which can empower not only the HR, but also create lasting value for employees.
- Get early warning of absences
- Benefit from AI-backed auto-rostering & personnel substitution (with matching skills)
- Minimise productivity loss (due to production line gaps)
- Reduce time & effort on roster management
- Begin sharper strategic & tactical manpower planning with AI
- Reduce Manpower costs
- Create a ready database of mapped skills, work-lines & personnel
Customisation & Execution
Commenting on the customisation and executional excellence of HONO ARASMAS, Sandeep Gautam, CHRO, NBC Bearings, said, “We didn’t just want an HRMS that is executed for us also - we wanted something that was customized for us, and HONO made the effort of collaborating, studying our problem, and customizing their solution for us.”
SOME NUMERS: Why You Need ARASMAS For Manufacturing Sector & The Like
The impact of absenteeism on productivity of is not hearsay – it is real – and a real problem needs a real tangible solution.
A recent story by People Matters, which conclusively validates what a number of manufacturing sector brands, and HONO, has been claiming all along - that Productivity Loss due to Absenteeism is the Manufacturing sector’s biggest pain point, and that it is a problem, which has an easy solution.
In the article, People Matters discusses the nagging problem of Absenteeism, which has been impacting productivity in labor-intensive work lines, and describes how HONO’s AI-backed signature solution can help address the problem.
Further, quoting research published in Ideas for India, People Matters asserts that “Segmental delays become bottlenecks that ultimately impede productivity." And add numbers that would make any cynic sit up:
“In India, unplanned absences can cause a productivity loss of as high as 35.5%. Respondents report that unplanned absences can disrupt the work of others by 65%, add to the workload of others by 64%, increase workers’ stress levels by 47% and reduce the quality of work output by 45%, among other negative effects, according to a study led by the Society for Human Resource Management…
With such strong validation of the link between productivity loss and absenteeism, a Productivity Management Platform powered by AI, is no more an option but a business need.
ARASMAS ticks all the boxes for this need with Auto-Rostering and Auto-Shift Management, Employee Absence Predictor and Auto-Replacement, and the touch-less Employee Access Control.
We couldn’t recommend it more.

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